Join the Adventure Giveaway

Winner of the American Christian Fiction Writer's Carol Award for Dauntless!!!


Part of the amazing journey God has led me on has taken me into the uniquely beautiful arena of worship dance. I have served as a dance choreographer and director for over twenty years. Dance is at its core, a form of communication. It can be used within the church in as many ways as words themselves: worship, praise, prayer, intercession, warfare, prophecy, evangelism, teaching, and yes, even fun and entertainment. In recent years, our church dance ministry has been moving forward in areas such as hip hop praise, human video drama, and even performance painting. My dance videos have been viewed on over 200,000 times. I have woven dance as a theme throughout my writing.

This first dance titled “All Around Me” may be my favorite I have ever choreographed. I love the passion, intensity, and earthiness of the piece. There is something very Dance from Deep Within about it. It is performed by three teens from my church including my daughter Christiana, the blonde in the gold dress.

This second dance called “I Hope You Dance” is special to me because it incorporates males and females from babies to grandmothers in a beautiful portrait of worship and joy. Perhaps this is close to how the nuns danced in the garden in Dance with Dandelion. I’m in this piece, along with all three of my children, Christiana, Jonny, and Adam, and my niece Ella.

Finally, I think this last piece might embody dancing with our heavenly father. This dance also features my daughter Christi, along with me in the chorus.