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Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Poem in Three Images

Poetry seems to be a dying art these days, almost, not quite. Spoken word poetry is doing well, but put those words onto a piece of paper and no one seems interested anymore. So I'm experimenting with something new. Below is one of my most published poem divided into three images. What do you think? Do the images help? Do they pique your interest? Would you take a minute to read these on facebook or pinterest (I just rhymed, LOL, how approporiate.)


  1. Dina, I would if they had a title or heading that drew me in. Without that I'm ashamed to say I'd pass them off as taking too much time. Scary thought, huh?

    I would take time to read them on a blog, and I did here. Amazing poetry! Thanks so much for sharing it with me.

  2. Thanks, Edie. interesting title. I'll have to think about that.

  3. Phlinks is an online portfolio for creative people, which opens your world to a worldwide community, a fun environment that brings together people with similar passion and a love for imagery
