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Monday, October 15, 2012

News! News! News!

First important announcement is that Love in Three-Quarter Time is now available for pre-order on amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc... It makes me happy to see it :) I especially enjoy perusing the "Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing" line and the awesome $3.99 price! And just in case you forgot how pretty the cover is...

Also, next week is the official release on October 23rd.

And! I'll be kicking off a very busy blog tour. I'm trying to keep each article fresh and original so that you can learn a little something new about the book, it's background, and me--the author--at each stop. Here's what's coming in October:

October 22nd: First online review!!!
October 22nd: I'll be sharing my thoughts on romance at
October 22nd: Interview by Roseanna White at
October 23rd: CJ Chase will be talking about the evolution of dance at
October 24th: Article about my writing and Zondervan's new line by DeAnna Dodson at
October 24th: I'll be sharing about history of the waltz at
October 25th: I'll be posting about the spiritual themes at
October 26th: Review by Debra Marvin at
October 29th: My article on the history in my novel

I'll let you know about my November/December schedule as they approach.

Hope to see you on tour!

Blessings, Dina


  1. Yay, Dina! This is so ecciting. And I love the cover. Congratulations.

  2. Okay- I really do know how to spell: exciting! I really dislike cell phone keyboards....

  3. Ha ha, well, I appreciate your enthusiasm.

  4. Excited about this release, Dina! What a unique theme and vocation for a lady. Looking forward to reading it.

  5. Thanks, Carla, and thanks for stopping by. I'll actually be guest posting on Colonial Quills next week.
