Wow, have I been neglecting things around here lately. In early October I went to the Blue Ridge Novelists Retreat. I spent the next week with my head still in the clouds as my subconcious worked out some issues. Then I sat down and wrote a 50,000 word book in six days. This new book of mine is not a novel, it's a collection of stories, essays, and poems centering around thematic spiritual subjects. The working title is
Secrets of the Teddy Bear Indian Dance: Mysteries Unveiled While Spinning Between Earth and Sacred Praise. I'm on edit number three already, and the book has been fleshed out to nearly 60,000 words. Boy has the whole experience been quite a thrill ride.

As is a new series by the author who helped inspire my latest work. His name is Steven James, and this year he won his first Christy Award for book two of his Patrick Bowers series, titled
The Rook. Steven's specialty is story. He has a master's degree in storytelling and travels the globe sharing his gift. His unique approach to writing stood out in the crowd and struck a chord deep in my brain.
I highly recommend Steven's thriller series. But not at night. Or when your husband is out of town. You know what, just keep an axe by your bed and enjoy the ride.
So as I mentioned, I was very inspired by this author's teaching. Then I read a different sort of book he wrote titled, Sailing Between the Stars: Musings on the Mysteries of Faith. Then my brain started going click, click, click, so I wrote my own collection about the mysteries of faith in six days.
The basis of the term inspirational is the verb inspire. Steven James inspired me to no end, and I guarantee his books will inspire you as well.
This sounds great.